When establishing cooperation with new customers we use several rules, which facilitate further trade relations.
- If you place an order worth less than 1000 PLN net in Poland and 1000 € in E.U. , the goods are sent at the recipient’s expense. (There is a possibility to choose a forwarder individually: DHL, Siódemka, Opek, Schenker)
- First order is always completed by means of a cash payment.
- To pay by means of a transfer (10, 14, 21 days) you are asked to submit necessary company registration documents (NIP, REGON, business activity certificate) concerning the status of the company in accordance with art. 32 A of the Goods and Services Tax Act[polish] of 08.01.1993 (Journal of Law No. 11 item 50).
- It is obvious that transfers are used for customers that settle their obligations on time.
We hope that our offer and proposed rules of cooperation will interest You.
Yours sincerely,
Anne Marie Chuchrowska, MA/MSc